Collaboration with Industry

Współpraca z przemysłem


Big Science:

  • F4E (Fusion for Energy),
  • CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research),
  • ESO (European Southern Observatory),
  • ESS (European Spallation Source),
  • ESA (European Space Agency),

are centers with multi-billion dollar budgets that allocate significant amounts of money both for everyday activities and for investments. They are also constantly looking for suppliers of various products and resources from the R&D, administration and research infrastructure sectors.


Establishing cooperation with the centers gives companies a chance to develop their activities, learn and gain contacts with leading companies in a given industry. In addition, companies have the opportunity to make a real contribution to the order and work on new technologies.

How to start cooperation?

You can do this yourself by subscribing to the supplier database, or you can contact the Industry Liasison Officers of the ILO, who will provide you with information on cooperation opportunities and help you contact the organization. Such assistance is free of charge, and contact details for industrial connectors can be found in the contact tab.

Most large organizations post information about upcoming tenders and events on their websites. We also publish selected orders on our website and LinkedIn profile.

Współpraca z przemysłem
  • Logo Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
  • Logo Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych

Project funding: the project entitled. "Great Science for Polish Innovation," project registration number: NdS/543816/2022/2022 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science.

  • Logo EESA
  • Logo ESO
  • Logo ESS
  • F4E-logo
  • Logo European XFEl
  • Logo CERN
  • Logo ITER
  • polfel-logo