Big science

Big Science

International Big Science Research Laboratories are centers that conduct groundbreaking research,  create innovative solutions and implement new technologies. These centers cooperate with  innovative companies, research institutes and universities from the Member States. Big Science projects are absorptive market for innovative services and a source of technologies that can be  implemented in the economy.


The goal of our team is to create a platform for cooperation between Polish industry and Big Science projects.


EUR 340 million

XFEL budget
years 2020-2024

EUR 3612 million

F4E budget
years 2020-2024

EUR 59 million

ESRF budget
years 2020-2024

CHF 2,880 million

CERN budget
years 2020-2024
Big Science for Polish innovation

We want Polish companies to be more visible on the Big Science market, acquire innovative orders and have better access to technologies developed at the Centres.


Big Science centers often have multi-billion budgets for the purchase of equipment and services. It is worth joining the database of suppliers and working with the best. We show how to do it!


Cooperation with Big Science Centers means:

Who we are

Contact us - our experts will help you establish contact with the selected Centre.

We work with the ILO (Industry Liaison Officers), designated contact persons from each leading research infrastructure.

Świerk Science and Technology Park is a part of the National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), one of the largest research institutes in Poland. Close cooperation with NCBJ gives us the opportunity to combine many years of scientific practice, project experience and human resources with infrastructural and machine facilities.

Our mission is to create a space where science meets the world of business.

The aim of our activity is:

  • Popularization of cooperation with the largest European research laboratories as a source of innovative orders and modern technologies that can be implemented in Polish companies. Based on these experiences, we are able to prepare the domestic industry for the implementation of tasks and orders for infrastructures entered on the Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructures.
  • Promoting, acquiring and mediating tenders for the world's largest Big Science research centers (e.g. CERN, INTER, F4E, ESS, ESA, ESO).
  • Supporting innovation and commercialization of research and development work. In addition, transfer of knowledge, experience and good practices regarding innovation.
  • Commercialization of technologies developed in research centers as well as dissemination of knowledge in the context of science, economy and innovation.
  • Building and developing the recognition of Polish companies in the international environment (especially in the European Union), as well as creating and building brands of Polish technology companies in international research centers. 
  • Supporting for national research infrastructures in terms of cooperation with industry.

Our Contact Point is designed to facilitate access to projects and orders created by European and national research infrastructures for Polish innovators, entrepreneurs and scientists.

Big Science organizations

European infrastructures include the following institutions:

  • European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN),
  • International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER),
  • Fusion for Energy (F4E),
  • European Spallation Source (ESS),
  • European Space Agency (ESA),
  • European Southern Observatory (ESO).


National research infrastructures primarily are:

  • HTR (High Temperature Reactor), 
  • Polish Free Electron Laser Polfel,
  • SOLARIS synchrotron
  • Center for Engineering Cryogenic Materials and Research Devices
What should you know about Big Science?

Big Science infrastructures are located throughout Europe. An international teams of scientists, engineers and specialists work on projects related to modern energy sources, molecular biology and medicine. These centers operate like a large enterprise.


Our goal is to provide Polish entrepreneurs with access to large Big Science research laboratories. We we able to support polish entrepreneurs to work on innovative orders in the field of IT services, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, engineering sciences as well as solutions and technologies in the field of cryogenics, automation, energy and material research.

Implementation of orders at the interface between business and science can bring many benefits to small and medium-sized enterprises, including:

  • presence on domestic and international markets,
  • opening jobs for new employees and ensuring employment stability for the current ones,
  • opportunity to work on innovative, demanding projects and solve technological challenges,
  • prestige and satisfaction from acting for science,
  • increasing the company's income,
  • building a knowledge-based economy


The potential of Polish companies is invaluable, but widely recognized on a global scale. Polish companies are modern, innovative and they are employers of world-class specialists. Therefore, large research centers receive support, experience and vast knowledge of Polish experts, scientists and researchers.

Big Science in everyday life

Although it may seems that products and services produced in cooperation with Big Science sectors have no direct significance in everyday life, the reality is different. The best example is CERN - the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which is one of the world's largest high energy physics laboratories. It was here that the world's first WWW website and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scanners were created. The solutions developed so far in research centers concern, among others: filters for water, freeze-dried food or disposable diapers. Although they were originally intended to be used in space but they are currently used in everyday life. There are many more examples and ideas for solving many problems, such as the invention of a cure for Alzheimer's disease. Companies willing to cooperate with international centers can be sure that they will create products and services that will improve the quality of life in general and contribute to Poland's significant contribution to individual projects.

  • Proin quis cursus velit, sed egestas
  • Nullam tristique  condimentum felis
  • Nullam tristique condimentum felis
  • Nullam tristique  condimentum felis
  • Tincidunt Proin
  • Logo Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
  • MNiSW
  • Nauka Dla Społeczeństwa
  • Rzeczpospolita Polska

Website financed from the state budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science called "Science for Society" contract number: NdS/543816/2022/2022 amount of funding: PLN 62,000.00 net, total project value: PLN 1,048,200.00.

  • Logo EESA
  • Logo ESO
  • Logo ESS
  • F4E-logo
  • Logo European XFEl
  • Logo CERN
  • Logo ITER
  • polfel-logo