
Big Science Business Forum 2022 – Granada

Event date:

Last year, the Big Science Business Forum congress was held in Granada. The meeting was an expression of support for the European candidacy for the IFMIF-DONES organization.

F4E is recruiting now!

Event date:

The Product Engineer will be mainly involved in defining and reviewing product geometric specifications and tolerances, preparing and monitoring verification activities during production, preparing and implementing processes.


We encourage you to submit an application!

More information:


Process closing date: 31/08/2023, 12.00 (CET).

2023 r – Genewa - Business Civil Forum Engineering

Event date:

On May 25 and 26, 2023, CERN hosted a hybrid event between CERN and the construction and engineering industry, co-organized by the National Center for Nuclear Research. 

The conference was about upcoming projects in 2023-2025 and how to conduct civil engineering projects at CERN.

The aim of the meeting was to attract new contractors and to facilitate contacts between general contractors and potential suppliers/subcontractors in Member States with a poorly and very poorly balanced balance.

CERN is recruiting now!

Event date:

The CERN procurement department is currently recruiting for university graduates with a maximum of 5 years of professional experience.


There are three positions available for purchasing graduates with up to 5 years of experience in mechanics, computer science, electronics, vacuum, magnets, gases and others, and one position for purchasing graduate with less than 2-3 years of experience.

We encourage you to submit an application!


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Website financed from the state budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science called "Science for Society" contract number: NdS/543816/2022/2022 amount of funding: PLN 62,000.00 net, total project value: PLN 1,048,200.00.

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