Recruitment to CERN - CERN Courier editor (IR-ECO-CE-2023-85-LD)

Laboratorium Badań Materiałowych

Do you wish to work in a unique international environment, reporting on the latest advances in particle physics?


Apply and join the International Relations Sector (IR), the Education, Communication and Outreach (ECO) Group, which is responsible for generating public engagement in CERN activities.


As a Courier Editor you will:

  • collaborate with CERN and the global high-energy physics community to keep the journal at the forefront of experimental and theoretical particle physics, astroparticle physics, cosmology, and gravitational-wave research;
  • commission and edit articles written by experts;
  • manage @CERNCourier social media accounts;
  • participate in projects and collaborate with teams across the CERN-IR-ECO group


More information about the recruitment conditions can be found at the link 


You can follow all current CERN recruitments on the LinkedIn profile - here is a link to

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  • Logo Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych

Project funding: the project entitled. "Great Science for Polish Innovation," project registration number: NdS/543816/2022/2022 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science.

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